There are band camps, dance camps, scout camps and fat camps. There are camps for computer geeks, sports stars, and drama queens. All of these serve to develop a given desirable skill set. But if you want to strengthen your child’s faith and increase their knowledge of God, you need a Bible camp. Welcome to Camp Horizon!
The spiritual content is not a separate element at Camp Horizon. Spiritual lessons are integrated directly into the program.
At Camp Horizon the day begins before the campers awake with staff devotions and prayer. Each cabin has morning and evening devotions and works on Bible memory during afternoon rest hour. Bible memory is an important part of team competition. At every meal there is a short devotional or “nugget” provided by a staff member. Both contemporary and classical Christian songs begin each of the twice-daily chapel time and the Word of God is taught by godly men.
Every staff member has a testimony of faith in Jesus Christ. Your child is surrounded by people of faith who love them and love the Lord.
Camp Horizon camper and staff alumni serve around the world as missionaries, teachers, physicians, nurses, architects, firemen, and most every occupation in their communities. As lights in a dark world many can trace the turning point in their faith to their time at summer camp. Myself being among them.
“You shall teach them (the commandments of God) diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.” Deuteronomy 6:7
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