Category: Parents

  • If a picture paints a 1000 words….

    …..what does a 1000 pictures paint?

    Over a thousand pictures have been uploaded to our new online photo album.  We hope to get the photos from J2 used to create the video and hope to have the J1 video posted soon.

    There is no registration required on the album site.  The pictures are in three sizes: Thumbnail, Small, and Medium.  The full size is 1024 (medium resolution) and is suitable for viewing.  The original files are as large as 7MB which is too big for an online album. Click the thumnail to get the small picture. Click the small picture to get the medium picture.

    • Windows PC:  Right Click to save the image.
    • Iphone/Ipad: Press and hold for the menu and “save image”.


  • Summer Camp 2018 Audio/Video

    We have posted the videos for three weeks of camp. We hope to have the last one (Junior One uploaded soon). These can be seen on this site (,, or the home page of

    Chapel sessions for Teen One and Teen Two are now posted.  We record as many as we are able. These are the only ones that were recorded. is the site we use to post audio recordings.

    We are experimenting with two photo galleries.  We should have summer photos posted soon. The file size for the pictures need to be reduced before we can upload them.  We are still considering using password protected pages.

    We apologize for taking so long to post things from the summer, but there are several issues. First of all, our internet speed and bandwidth limits how much we can upload on-site. Second, this takes time that we do not have until the season is over. And third, we do not want to post photos while children are at camp (security issues).



  • Typical Camp Day

    Parents that are new to sending their children to summer camp and parents that are just new to Camp Horizon often ask the question, “What does a typical day of camp look like?”

    The daily schedules have been available on the staff information pages.  Now there is a link on the home page and the Summer Camp 2015 page to documents used by the Program Directors including those schedules.

    The theme each week is related to both the games/competition and the spiritual message.  That message permeates the entire program. We post them on the summer schedule in May.  Not all weeks have been updated as of today.

    There are two chapel times, but the entire day is about bringing glory to God.  Each cabin begins and ends their day with prayer. Bible Memory is part of the competition. There is prayer and Bible reading at every meal.

    Camp Horizon provides an opportunity for a child to have fun in the context of an environment where God is honored, the Bible is trusted, and campers are loved by their counselors and the staff.

    We certainly hope to see every camper come to believe the gospel of Jesus Christ.  However, even children that have not come to faith in Christ respond to the fun and loving atmosphere offered at Camp Horizon.  Our staff members live out their faith and are willing to share the story of their faith at any time.  We do not pressure campers to believe. We believe that drawing a child to faith is the work of the Holy Spirit.  Our core beliefs are found on our website (Statement of Faith).

    At each meal there is prayer and a short devotion from one of the staff members.  We call it a “nugget” from God’s Word and is usually not more than 2-3 minutes.  Meal times also include Mail Call at lunch (or supper if the mail is late), announcements, and skits or other program activities related to the theme of the week.  Nobody leaves the dining hall hungry.


    While the staff and one counselor from each cabin are at Leader’s Prep, the second counselor wakes their campers and begins cabin cleanup.

    Next, while the campers and counselors are at Flag Raising getting their morning announcements and competition update the cabins are inspected (points toward the competition). Then it is off to cabin prayer.


    With the new schedule the morning is packed with activities that the camper has chosen on registration day.  There are usually about a dozen options to choose from. (Swimming, Sailing, Canoeing, Ski/Tub, Basketball, Archery, Riflery, Indoor Soccer, etc). The activities chosen are for the whole week.


    CABIN TIME keeps the campers out of the peak sun and allows time for rest and Bible Memory.

    CHAPEL (the alternative schedule has chapel in the morning)

    Snak Shak / Free Time
    Junior campers can spend up to $3 per day for snacks.  This is also free swim.  We alternate boys and girls because junior campers tend to take forever in the Snak Shak line, and we have to limit the number of swimmers in the pool.  This schedule addresses both issues.
    Teen Camp does not have a limit and the entire time is free time.  This is pretty much all the unscheduled time that there is for the day.  There may be individual competition during this time (optional), or they can just hang out with friends.

    We do not rotate the activities for Junior Camp. If you look at the Teen Camp schedule you can see the rotation.  The purpose was originally to give waterfront activities an equal shot at smooth morning water.


    The evening activity is ALL CAMP.  These are big games that everyone plays.  Sometimes the teen camp schedule swaps this with chapel to play a “night game”.

    Flag lowering (like flag raising) gets everyone together and helps keep us on schedule.


    Cabin Devotions & Bed Time

    Repeat Sunday Night through Friday Night, then home on Saturday.

    You are welcome to view the videos and schedules on  We put announcements on our facebook page, but our facebook group is more interactive.  The members are campers, staff, and administration.  Feel free to join us.

    FaceBook Page: MyCampHorizon     Group: camphorizon
    (be careful, there are similar names)


  • The Character of Courage

    As parents we take every precaution to protect our children from injury.  Weight lifters must add a little more resistance to increase strength, runners must add a little more distance to gain endurance, and character development requires at least the perception of risk to gain courage and to test faith.

    An article on this subject in a parenting magazine alluded to the fact that summer camps serve as a place for children and adolescents to participate in supervised activities where the perceived risk is higher than the actual risk.

    For example, at CampHorizon we offer a rock climbing wall.  The actual risk is quite low (or our insurance company would prohibit it), but put an eight year old camper thirty-two feet in the air and ask them if the risk is real or perceived.  There is a small actual risk associated with archery, riflery, sailing, canoeing, and waterskiing.  However, when a camper faces their fear and fires the gun or stands on water-skis, they develop the courage to go outside of their comfort zone and to try other new things.

    Some of the typical reasons that parents and children do not choose a week of summer camp include the fear of separation (home-sickness), the fear of relationships (shyness), and the fear facing new challenges.  Over the past three decades we have seen campers face those fears and develop the courage to travel on mission trips, to make new friends from among strangers, and to do things they never thought possible.

    Talk with your child now about getting ready for camp.  Prepare them for a week of separation. Encourage them to make new friends and to try new activities.  Perhaps this summer your child will strengthen both their faith and their courage.

  • Why Choose A Bible Camp?

    There are band camps, dance camps, scout camps and fat camps. There are camps for computer geeks, sports stars, and drama queens. All of these serve to develop a given desirable skill set.  But if you want to strengthen your child’s faith and increase their knowledge of God, you need a Bible camp.  Welcome to Camp Horizon!

     The spiritual content is not a separate element at Camp Horizon.  Spiritual lessons are integrated directly into the program. 

    At Camp Horizon the day begins before the campers awake with staff devotions and prayer. Each cabin has morning and evening devotions and works on Bible memory during afternoon rest hour. Bible memory is an important part of team competition.  At every meal there is a short devotional or “nugget” provided by a staff member. Both contemporary and classical Christian songs begin each of the twice-daily chapel time and the Word of God is taught by godly men.

     Every staff member has a testimony of faith in Jesus Christ. Your child is surrounded by people of faith who love them and love the Lord.  

    Camp Horizon camper and staff alumni serve around the world as missionaries, teachers, physicians, nurses, architects, firemen, and most every occupation in their communities.  As lights in a dark world many can trace the turning point in their faith to their time at summer camp. Myself being among them.

    “You shall teach them (the commandments of God) diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.” Deuteronomy 6:7